Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Better Product fallacy

Another fallacy ingrained in the minds of most marketing managers is the belief that the better product will win the marketing battle.

Behind the thinking of many marketing managers is the thought that “truth will out.”

In other words, if you have the “facts” on your side, it’s only necessary to find a good advertising agency who can communicate those facts to the prospect and a good sales force that can close the sale.

We call this approach “inside-out thinking”- that somehow the advertising agency or the sales force can take the truth, as the company knows it, and use this truth to clear up the misconceptions that reside inside the mind of the prospect.

Don’t be fooled. Misconceptions cannot easily be changed by an advertising or sales effort.

What is truth? Inside every human being is a little black box. When a human being is exposed to your advertising or sales claim, that person looks inside the box and says “That’s right” or “That’s wrong.”

The single most wasteful thing you can do in marketing today is to try to change a human mind. Once a mind is made up, it’s almost impossible to change.

What is truth? Truth is the perception that’s inside the mind of the prospect. It may not be your truth, but it’s the only truth you can work with. You have to accept that truth and then deal with it.

Consulting small business

Although you brimming with creative ideas and have the enthusiasm and fire entrepreneur in you, you still have difficulty difficult to manage their business well. If you are faced with a similar, not despair. This is quite normal among entrepreneurs worldwide, in particular for small businesses that are not massive capital as supporting customers. But this can be easily overcome with the help of experts from small business consulting, which can lead you through the various obstacles to business.

Every entrepreneur should have a clear knowledge of their clients need and what they can best provide them. Entrepreneurs must be depth knowledge of the market they will operate, the price conditions, and most important is customer preferences.

Small business is it business, where the seller attention to the special needs of the customer rather than the existence of life. Small business, in a way, is advantageous because you can focus on small-scale production, so you can take care of your customers and more personal than in volumes. Small business consulting firms agencies, which serve as guides for small businesses to enhance their credibility.

Small business consulting firms aimed at solving every problem of small entrepreneurs. To start a small business is first and foremost important to know which products customers want a particular market and, consequently, how can we respond to this demand. This study can be done in many ways, such as: --

1) You can conduct market research survey to see what the market wants. The survey can be done by meeting customers in person or speak with him by phone. This type of research gives fast results, as an immediate response. Online poll also an option, but that was a long method, and are not intended for the rapid approach. Online surveys can be used to service the company and work for the year, as customers will be able to take its own sweet time to talk about their satisfaction with the companies. In small business consulting firm will perform all of these operations, to help you prosperity of your business. 2) You can use the existing work in the other small businesses and that the basis of your decision-making process. This type of research is called secondary studies are widely used because they are cheaper. However, they may not be effective or credible always, as the market is always in flux. So if secondary research is outdated, it will worsen the situation. In small business consulting agency will guide you and teach you to conduct appropriate studies to start work. In small business consulting firm to help you decide which product will be the most suitable for your business according to your abilities, your managerial skills, and customer response. 3) If the small business entrepreneurs are confident enough about their abilities, they can immediately begin a new and unique product, which will undoubtedly attract customers and keep them for the company. In this case, small business consulting firm can help you choose a unique product, making you go through the study. This would help to find out what can be obtained from your best and unambiguously. This type of an endeavour is thriving at the beginning, but every other small businesses aware of the uniqueness of a company that it is threatened or competition. Once the competition is becoming increasingly necessary for every business firm to help form a small business consulting agency.

The Better People Fallacy

It’s easy enough to convince your own staff that better people will prevail, even against the odds. It’s what they want to hear. And surely in a marketing war quality is a factor as well as quantity.

It is, but superiority of force is such an overwhelming advantage that it overcomes most quality differences.

We have no doubt that the poorest team in the National Football League could consistently beat the best team in the NFL if it could field 12 men against the opposition’s 11.

In business, where the teams are much larger, your ability to amass a quality difference is much more difficult.

The clear-thinking marketing manager won’t confuse the pep talk at a sales rally with the reality of the marketing area. A good general never makes military strategy based on having better personnel. Nor should a marketing general. (“Our army,” said Wellington “is composed of the scum of the earth, the mere scum of the earth.”)

Obviously you’d be in deep trouble inside your company if you used Wellington’s words to describe your own army. Tell your people how terrific they are, but don’t plan on winning the battle with superior personnel.

Count on winning the battle with a superior strategy.

Yet many companies cling deeply to the better people strategy. They’re convinced they can recruit and hire substantially better training programs can help them keep their “people” edge.

Any student of statistics would laugh at this belief. Sure, it’s possible to put together a small cadre of superior people. But the larger the company, the more likely the average employee will be average.

And when it comes to the mega companies, the possibility of assembling an intellectually superior team becomes statistically almost zero.

At last count, IBM had 369,545 employees, a number which is growing rapidly. On a one-to-one basic, there may be more white shirts at IBM but not more gray matter.

Financial Intelligence

"I am concerned that too many people are focused too much on money and not their greatest wealth, which is their education. If people are prepared to be flexible, keep an open mind and learn, they will grow richer and richer through the changes. If they think money will solve problems, I am afraid those people will have a rough ride. (Financial) Intelligence solves problems and produces money. Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone."

How important is financial intelligence in today's generation?

Have you noticed that a majority of students are being taught financial literacy (and oftentimes in a misguided way) only when they reach college or are enrolled in a prestigious university?

In fact, some people graduate with their diploma and still could not distinguish the difference between an asset and a liability - in simple and clear terms (not as defined by your banker or accountant).

It's as if money is shunned away and is treated as a forbidden topic. It's better to talk about math, English, any of the social sciences, politics maybe - but not money.

Ironically, they don't talk about it but most have to deal with it - and its scarcity - every day.

Perhaps that could be one of the reasons why many don't teach about it. It hurts just bringing up that topic when in their personal lives, they don't even know how to get out of their credit card debt, or maintain good standing by paying regularly their electric or water bills. There are other examples of course, but the point is obvious.

Financial intelligence is important because it helps a person (as early as I would say 6 or 7 years old) prepare for the practical things in life. For reality. We live in a world that is driven by money and that's a fact.

The sad thing however is, most children have only been taught to get good grades in school, enroll in a classy university, take up an excellent course, graduate with flying colors (e.g. summa cum laude, magna cum laude, etc.) and after that - get a high paying job... in order to ensure the consistent flow of money.

It's good in a way, but it's not sufficient. Have a look around and you'll agree with me. We have a society which is being controlled by money, instead of the opposite. People are doing overtime work and missing out on quality time with their family and loved ones - why? Because they lack money. They need money. They have to get more money to pay this and that and to accomplish this and that. It's a never-ending vicious cycle. Getting promoted, transferring to a better job with higher pay, or becoming the executive vice president may seem to be good goals - but it will never "cure" that vicious cycle of being controlled by money.

God's Word tells us to be "wise as serpents". Remember, money is not the root of all evil. The love of it is. So having a thorough understanding of money will greatly help one go through this life with the right perspective.

Go In To Business

Rohit Kochgaway was very upset with his boss for his rebuking him today in office. He was very upset with his job. When he reached home in evening his wife got the penalty for asking to go out in form of bad mood. After one hour at home, he exploded the bomb.

He is quitting the cozy job and wants to go on his own.

Is that the right reason to start a long whirl winding journey of business? Rohit was upset with the present job. Does it make him knowledgeable enough to go alone? Is not it running from present only?

If you want to be in your own business because you are ‘sick and tired of being told what to do’, because you want more ‘freedom’, or because you are unappreciated or undervalued, forget it. These are not reasons for starting a business; these are reasons for running away from your present job. If you want to ‘make a lot of money’, that’s probably not a great reasons either. It is a fine and worthwhile goal, but if it is your prime motivation it is not going to be enough to get through the lean years.

Before starting our company I was a software engineer by profession and I loved to program and design the software packages. But I certainly do not wanted to live like a programmer battling out there with the machine codes and following someone else order even to why I should design the very codes of my works. I also see a big opportunity coming on my way in my industry. I jumped out and exclaimed “That’s enough, I want to enjoy myself working for myself and enjoy it too. And also wanted to give it a try.”

Enjoy. I couldn’t afford not to give this new venture a try.

This, I believe, is at least part of the motivation of most people who successfully start a new business: a feeling that if they never tried they would always regret it. It is what gives you the momentum to get out the front door, to cut the corporate umbilical cord, and what makes it possible. To keep going, even when everything else makes you feel like turning back. Starting a business is a financial and professional commitment. But even more, it is an emotional one.

I have a friend who, five years ago, started what has become a very successful apparel manufacturing Firm. He told me recently that if he had known then what the first two years were going to be like, he would have never gone through it.

We never had it that rough, but I could relate to what he was saying. There are so many moments in starting a new business when the negatives outweigh the positives that any feelings of satisfaction are very small compensation. There are times when it is the emotion alone that keeps you going.

Integral Part of the Business

Different businesses have their own unique business strategies and requirements for the smooth running of their management and functional procedures. The basic goal of any business is to increase the profits and reduce the losses. Although managing accounts and transactions is very difficult job but the simple solution to this problem is to hire the services of a good Chartered Accountant Firm. Apart from managing accounts and transactions, these firms can provide other services like creating your budget plans, advising on investments and handling financial details.

The business owners or managers may not have the crucial qualifications of a trained accountant; hence they have to hire the services of an expert to handle the accounting. On the other hand, it takes huge amounts of time and a lot of hard work to get these things organized and precisely keep track of your finances.

Chartered Accountant Firms have experts who specialize in providing accounting services to various types of businesses. Chartered Accountants are specially trained and proficient individuals, who maintain your accounts and fiscal records to keep you up to date about the productivity of the business.

Business accounting provides tailored solutions to match the exact requirements of your business and you can concentrate on other aspects of your business without worrying about the accounts department. A lot of times Certified Public Accountants are hired to file their taxes only as they are trained to complete tax returns.
In addition to taxes, the accountant also keeps a crystal clear documentation of all the monetary transactions of your business, so that you can put into practice latest business strategies.

The only work left for you is to keep an eye on the work being carried out by the professional accountants. Being the business owner, you would like to be well-versed about all the work that is being done concerning accounts and bookkeeping of your business, so that you know the direction your business is heading to and whether you are in profit or loss.

5 Professional Manners

Live webinars refer to live web seminars, wherein the seminar is held virtually. All the participants are connected virtually with the help of the web and have the ease to exchange information conveniently. It is now gaining a lot of attention and is used by market research companies as it overcomes the factors like physical presence and allows them to send and explain the reports to their clients easily.

How does a webinar work?

Holding a webinar is very easy but you need to keep some things in mind. Since a webinar is dependent on the internet, all the participants must have access to it and should have good connectivity. Before you conduct the webinar, you need to prepare the composite materials that may be required during the same.

If you need any information from any market research companies, there again you can use the webinar and can contact them online. Similarly if you have hired consultants to help you with your company growth or need them for competitive benchmarking, you can use the webinar and get the information and to understand them easily. Many of these market research companies have ready made webinars with them and you can buy them for your own competitive benchmarking.

Helping tips for you

1. If you are conducting a webinar there are some basic tips and manners that need to be considered. These are discussed herewith.

2. Before you hold the webinar or use a ready made webinar, prepare a list of composite materials and email it to the people who would be attending the webinar. The subjects and topics related to the same should be mentioned in it.

3. Set a date and time for the webinar and ask the participants to confirm their attendance.

4. Identify your consumers, for whom the research work has been prepared and inform your participants about the same.

5. When conducting the webinar make sure that everyone is online at time and then begin with it.

When holding the webinar, be direct and discuss related topics. Use power point presentation or other material related to your industry that can make the webinar more interesting and appealing.

consultant specialist

If you are a business owner and do business deals in domestic and international market, think about a taxation consultant expert who can help you manage of all domestic and international taxation matters. These services can help out with social security issues for any country or situation you are about to face. Countries are becoming more cautious and are capable to observe taxation requirements systematically today through technological development. For your own advantage and peace, obtain an expert taxation consultant service to make your life more lawful and easy while trading across borders from country-to-country.

Taxation regulations can vary greatly from country to country and thus it is vital to choose a trustworthy taxation consultant specialist which can handle worldwide taxation requirements and regulations, making sure you obtain world class tax consulting services. There are hundreds of thousands taxation consulting service to choose from, thus, it is very necessary to locate a specialist taxation consultant company who can provide a deep industry knowledge of existing worldwide taxation regulations and up-and-coming trends.

So, how would you find suitable taxation consultant or company? Explore the internet and visit tax consultant's websites to evaluate the services and products they are offering. A reputable taxation consultant will have the huge network of individual taxation professionals who can offer local input and advice on all your taxation requirements. Choose a tax consulting specialist who can offer you custom-made consultation, taxation management and planning ensuring you get the ideal tax solution to fit your individual needs and personal requirements.

The idea of choosing a specialist tax consultation specialist or company is that your administration and taxation responsibilities are minimized thus allowing you to focus on more core functions of business. A specialized tax consulting service will manage all registrations, correspondence, research and data mining, invoicing and much more. Thus, if you are planning to work cross borders and not sure of the specific taxation and income regulations and requirements, choose a professional taxation consultant to deliver top taxation services leaving you stress free from taxation issues.

Conveyancing Services

Conveyance is the transferring of a property title from one party to another. Whenever you buy or sell property in Leeds, you will need conveyancing Leeds services.

The service you will get from a conveyance company can actually be used in the place of an attorney. They are usually licensed and have been educated in property law. They have a standard procedure, which may be considerably less expensive than using a property attorney.

It is important to make sure that the transferring of the title of a property is done correctly. In this way, you will know that you are now the legal owner. This property could be a house, a commercial real estate property, or land.

One needs to know that he has secured the legal title to land or real estate. This also includes all the rights that run along with the land. He must also be notified of restrictions of any type. These should be communicated before the transaction takes place, so that the potential new owner will be fully aware of them. There is usually a system of registration of land and other real estate in place. This system is available in public records that can be searched. This should ensure that the new owners will be taking possession of a clear and good title.

Some properties may have a mortgage or a lien attached to them. The conveyance of the legal title will also include these liens. They are called encumbrances.

A conveyance transaction typically consists of two things. The contract exchange is where the equitable title is passed to the new owner. The completion of the conveyance transaction is where the legal title is then passed to the new owner. This will occur in three separate stages. The first stage is when the contract is drawn up. The second is before the completion of the contract. And the third is after the contract is completed.

When the new owner has obtained the good and marketable legal title to the real estate, that seller is now the legal owner. This means that he now has the right to use the property as it is intended, or sell the property, if he so desires.

Seek out the assistance of a real estate agent to find the property that you desire. Then you will need the assistance of a conveyancing Leeds service to ensure that the transaction is taking place correctly and legally. You should be aware that there are two types of conveyors, and only one type is licensed. A licensed conveyor is probably the best choice to make.

management consultants

It is common misconception that management consultants only helps a company, if there is a fundamental problem with the current management situation of the hiring company. This is certainly not the case. Management companies should hire strategy management consultants for a variety of reasons, whether it is a reorganization of the company structure, a new trend in management styles in the company and could benefit or a new business opportunity for exploited. In fact, many times when a company decide whether to expand its business or enter a new market, hiring a management consultant to help them understand the changes that would be required to help make the company a leader in its market. A business management consultancy or a management consultant will examine all aspects of business will be affected by the change to determine whether the company can be more rational and more efficient.

How to determine your Target Market

It is best to determine your target market when it first started your business. When developing a business plan for your target market. Although you may only have a general idea of your target market when you start your first business proposal or business plan, you want either to research your target market on their own, or you wish to speak with a number of target market selection consultants to get an idea of the different types of target markets for your business.

In many cases, business consulting companies will give the information about market segmentation to identify your target market. You can hire a group of target market selection consultants to help research what to choose as their target market. Other times, you may be able to determine your target market without hiring an outside group of specialists. Sometimes, it can have a great deal of research, you want to be sure to determine all possibilities for this target market.

Market segmentation is different from the choice of its target market. With market segmentation, you can find a niche for your business. Firms like Leading Approach, a business management consultancy, support the management team in providing a clear strategy that is attractive to the workforce. It gives the enhanced solutions for business management solutions. However, once we have a niche business, you will want to determine your customer base. This customer base is your target market.