Monday, April 30, 2012

How to Start a Consultant Engineering Business

An engineering consultant serves organizations, and businesses meet their design and construction needs. To start your consulting engineering business, you will need a start-up plan. Consultants generally provide services ranging from mechanical, chemical, computer technology and civil engineering. Consultants generally provide project management as well as technical advice

1.Get professional certifications. Look in the state government website that you plan to work, and find the certifications that you will need to have to perform services as an engineering consultant.
2.Name your business. Some people use their family name and some choose a name that reflects the engineering consultant industry. For example, Your Name, Civil Engineering.
3. Determine your business structure. For example, will you operate as a Limited Liability Company, or a Corporation? Write your business plan and describe this structure and who will be responsible for the business. The Small Business Administration offers free tutorials about business plans.
4.Apply for a Federal Identification Number. You can apply online through a questionnaire at Register your business with the state(s) that you plan to do business in. You can generally do this online as well.
5.Write a generic proposal for your business. In this proposal, describe your qualifications, members and partners. Describe the type of services that your business will provide, and the specific duties that your business will perform. You can review a Sample Proposal by Mariusz Mazur at the New Jersey Institute of Technology.
6.Bid on projects. Register with local government entities as a qualified consultant and submit bids for upcoming projects. You can find a link on most state websites. These links are generally listed as "Doing Business." You can also seek private consulting jobs. Your local business directory will have the contact information for local businesses that may need your services.

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